Sunday, June 15, 2008

remember alf? he's back in pog form!

Growing up I loved ALF. I bought the Season One DVD when it came out a few years back but after twenty years the episodes seemed to lose their appeal. Thanks to the genius who posted this video of ALF bloopers on YouTube... ALF is back! Somewhere Milhouse Van Houten is smiling.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

junk in the trunk.

It's all E!'s fault for having a Keeping Up with the Kardashians marathon on Memorial Day. I had never even had a slight interest in watching this show but somehow that Monday I got sucked in. I was even guilty of recording the episodes on our DVR when my girlfriend asked me to go to the store with her that day. It's strange how easy it is to become addicted to a television show when the episodes are played back to back. I remember a similar situation a few years back with MTV's Newlyweds. I could have cared less about this show but when MTV gave me a full day of nothing but Nick & Jessica I was lured in. I've noticed the same epidemic with the TV shows I have purchased on DVD. What makes me need to sit down and watch all fourteen episodes of Season 2 of Entourage until 2am on a Wednesday night? Sure I know I need to wake up for work in a few hours but I can't bring myself to pull away from Ari, Vince, and the boys.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

day one.

So it's come to this...
I've created a blog.